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The Rise of Corporate Toronto:

Computerizing the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®)

If TRREB Members could point to a singular event that dramatically changed the lives of REALTORS®, it was computerizing the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®). In the early days, 20 per cent of subscribers were able to use the system at any given time and the actual pictures of homes would be added to the listing later. Today, the MLS® System contains detailed information and numerous search tools, all designed to match people with the properties that fit their exact requirements. 

Did you know?

  • Late in 1973, Mayor David Crombie wanted to pass a by-law to limit the majority of downtown buildings to 45 feet in height and 45,000 square feet. A campaign was organized to mobilize the 7,500 TRREB Members, to great effect
  • Dick Smythe, CHUM radio’s news director, contracted to record TRREB’s 1974 radio commercials

1984, newspaper article, Globe and Mail